Please help us to provide a better service for you, our patients.
- If you are calling personally or telephoning Surgery regarding an urgent medical problem, please stress the urgency to the receptionist on duty and your call will be transferred to one of the Doctors for full assessment.
- Don’t arrive at Surgery too far in advance of your appointment time, thus avoiding overcrowding in the waiting areas.
- Please be a patient Patient. At all times, emergencies take priority.
- The Surgery considers aggressive behaviour to be any personal, abusive or threatening comments, bad language, physical contact and aggressive gestures. In keeping with the rest of the National Health Service we operate a ‘zero tolerance policy’ with respect to the protection of all staff. This means that no abuse of Doctors or staff is acceptable whether verbal or physical and any patient behaving in this manner will be removed from the Surgery list with immediate effect. In some cases the police will be informed.